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PizzaGest Manual: Delivery Orders

Once we have clicked on the Menu option Orders→ Order Status or on the Delivery icon in the main Menu, a screen like the one we can see below will appear:

This screen is divided between the Pending Orders that will appear at the top and the Orders on delivery, which will appear at the bottom.

In the Pending orders, we can see the following data of each order:

Type: It will indicate the source of the order, if the customer has called us by phone, if it has been placed from the Call Center or through the web.

Payment: We can see the payment method that the customer will use, whether from cash, credit card, etc.

Status: Here we will see if the order is still being produced in the kitchen or if it is already finished.

Check: It will indicate the order number.

Delivery: It will be the delivery time, depending on how we have set the Delivery minutes on the Clock button located in the lower left part of the screen.

Time: It is the length of time in which the order is being produced since the order request.

Address: It will show the customer address.

Zone: We can see the Zone to which the customer address belongs.

Phone: It will show the customer phone.

Customer: It will show the customer name.

Change: Here we can see the change which has to take the driver to refund the customer in case that the method payment is cash.

Comments: It will show the delivery comments that we have written through the Place an Order screen.

In the Pending orders, we can see the lines of each order in three different colors:

Black: The order is in of delivery time.

Orange: The order is close to exceed the delivery time.

Red: The order is out of delivery time.

It will depend on how we have set the Delivery minutes on the Clock button located in the lower left part of the screen.

When the order status shows that it is already produced or we are told from the kitchen staff about it, it will be the time to assign the order to a driver.

In the right top we can see the total number of pending orders and in red the orders below critical time. On the other hand, in the right bottom we can see the total number of orders and the number of orders in delivery.

To assign one o more than one order to a driver, we have first to select one or more order lines and they will be marked with a blue background. Then, we have to select a driver from the list of drivers on the right, and the orders will be automatically assigned to the driver and they will move down to the Orders in delivery. The drivers are sorted from top to bottom, starting at the top with the drivers that have been available for a longer time.

Once we have selected a driver, the following options will appear:

Come back: When drivers come back from delivering the order, they have to select this option in order to be available, although they are able to assign themselves an order even if they have already an order assigned. When drivers choose this option, the system will ask them if they want to enter any Delivery Incident. We can set the minimum time to come back from delivery through the Add/Modify Branches screen.

Show orders: It will show us the details of the selected order through the Order details screen.

Print orders: It will print the details of the selected order.

Unassign order: Depending on the Access Level to the system we can unassign an order that had already been previously assigned to a diriver.

Checkout drivers: It will allow us to checkout the selected driver through the Checkout Drivers screen.

Give change: It will allow us to give change to the selected driver through the Give Change to Drivers screen.

Assign vehicle: It will allow us to assign a vehicle to the selected driver from the Vehicles assignment screen.

Tracking: With this option, branches that have a hub installed, will be able to see the tracking of the drivers.

When an order is assigned to a driver, it will move automatically to the bottom to the Orders on delivery, where some additional data will appear:

Status: It will be always “In delivery” because when the order will be delivered, it will disappear from Orders on delivery.

Exit: It will show the departure time of the driver.

Time: It will show the time that has passed since the driver has left.

If the driver takes more time to come back from delivery, than the average time the system has calculated, among the total amount of the drivers in the same street or area, the order line will appear in red.

We can always check the Order details by clicking on the order line.

Finally, at the bottom, we also have more options:

ID or order number: If we do not have a touch screen or do not want to use the mouse, we can write the employee's ID and the order number to assign the order to a driver.

Pending: It will show us all the pending orders located in a map.

Search: It will allow us to search for an order through the Search Order screen.

Update: It will update all the changes in the orders, and it can be very useful to see updated the production and delivery time of the orders.

en/f_situacion_de_pedidos.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/19 13:55 by