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PizzaGest Manual : Check Order

Once we have chosen the order that we want to consult, from Choose order, we will see a screen like the one we can see below:

On this screen we will see all the details of the order:

-The data of the branch from where the order was placed and the computer from which the order was taken.

-The data of the customer who placed the order.

-The details of the order: Order number, Invoice, Type of order, Shift date, Guests and Payment method.

-The production times of the order.

-The times of delivery of the order, in case it is a delivery order.

- The mileage in case it is a delivery order, where it will appear:

The theoretical kilometers, which are calculated by Google.

The actual kilometers, which are calculated by the application for drivers.

You can also change the mileage with the Change Mileage button that will ask us to enter the actual kilometers and the theoretical kilometers.

You can also change the driver with the Change driver button through the Choose Employee screen and it will appear the tip that the customer left in the delivery order.

-The data of the Employee who has taken the order and the driver if the order was a delivery order.

-The Edition or Cancelation data of the order, in case the order has been edited or canceled.

In the upper line, we have the option to move to the left or right with the arrow icons, and we will move to the previous or to the next orders which are of the same type of order.

In the right part, we have several buttons which allow us to make different functions:

We have to take into consideration that to use some functions, the system will ask us to enter the code and password of the authorized user, this will depend on the Access Level of each employee.

Check: It allows us to return to the previous screen Choose order

Cancel: We will have to confirm that we want to cancel the selected order and then we can cancel the order from the screen Order Cancellation

Print: It allows us to print the customer's ticket or the driver's ticket if it is a delivery order. Also, if the ticket is from the current day, it will ask us if we also want to reprint the kitchen chits.

Change payment method: To change the payment method, we have to click on this button and the Charge Order screen will appear where we can change the payment method. This option can be useful, if we have already ended the order and we want to change the payment method without canceling the order and doing it again.

Unlock: This button allows us to unblock an order that has been taken from another device, in order to modify it.

Order penalty: It allows us to make a discount to a ticket already closed, from the Order penalty screen (For example if in a delivery order, the deliveryman forgets to carry the drinks, when he returns he will discount it from the order).

Delivery incident: With this button we can add a delivery incident if it has not been introduced when the driver have come back from the delivery order in the Delivery screen. When you click on the button, it will ask us for confirmation that we want to insert an incident in the order and once confirmed, we can insert the incidence through the Delivery Incident screen

Invoice: To create an invoice from a ticket that already exists, we have to click on the Invoice button and if we do not have the customer linked with the order, the Search for Customers screen will appear. If the customer of the invoice already exists in our database we will select it and press the Ok button, otherwise we will click on New customer button and we will add the customer through the Customer Management screen. Once the customer has been selected or if we already have the customer linked with the order, the Draw Up an Invoice screen will appear. It must be taken into consideration that the customer data that will appear on the invoice will be the data that has been entered in the More data tab through the Customer Management screen.

Massive printing: We can reprint a large number of tickets, through the Massive Printing screen.

Changes history: It will allow us to see all the changes that have been made in the order. These changes will appear in the Edited section, where it will appear the number of times the order was edited, the edition date and the employee who has made each modification. We can move from one modification to another with the arrow icons which are above.

Change guests: This button allows us to modify the number of guests of the order, as long as it is not a Delivery or Pick-up order.

Delivery guarantee: We can set the maximum discount to refund to the customer, choosing the order types that we want, in case the order does not arrive on time, through the Insert/Modify Branches screen.

en/f_mostrar_pedido.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/19 13:55 by