PizzaGest Manual: Inventory Items
An inventory item is any merchandise that is susceptible to be accounted for, and is part of the warehouse.
Inventory items will be from cheese, soda cans, pizza boxes, flour, to even cleaning materials, or materials supplied to employees like caps, gloves, etc.
Therefore, an inventory item is any element that is susceptible to stock.
Once we have clicked on the Menu option Items→Inventory Items, a screen like the one we can see below will appear:
We can do a quick search of the inventory item, from the top line, if we write the item ID and then click on the Search button.
In case we have done a quick search by item ID, we can see all the inventory items again, by clicking on the Discard button.
In this screen we will see a list with all the inventroy items that already exist, in which will appear all the details of the inventory items that we have written when we Add or Modify an inventory item.
In addition to the details of each inventory item that we have completed when we add a new inventory item, the system shows us in this screen other data such as:
Actual Stock: It calculates the stock, in stockroom units.
Unit: It will be the work unit, which we will use for the Recipes
Average Price: It allows us to see the average purchase price, calculated among all the vendors which supply the inventory item.
We can modify the list of inventory items which appears in this screen, depending on the option that we have selected in the section Show Inventory Items (All, Available or Unavailable) which is located in the upper right. We will choose if an inventory item is available or not through the Add/Modify Inventory Items screen.
In the right part, we have several buttons which allow us to make different functions:
Add/Modify or Delete inventory items. We have to take into consideration that we cannot delete an inventory item which we have used in a Recipe
Print: We will get a report of the list of inventory items that we have configured in our screen.
Purchase history: It will show us a list with the date and the vendor invoice number, where the selected inventory item appears, on the dates that we have chosen in the Consumption history section located in the lower right.
Locations: We can see or select in which location are stored the inventory items through the Locations screen.
Calculate consumption: It allows us to recalculate consumption, choosing the dates on the Consumption history section located in the lower right. It can be useful to update the stock, when we change a Recipe because we were calculating the consumptions wrongly.
Average price: It will be used when we want to modify the average price calculated among all the vendors that supply the inventory item and we want to change it for the price that appears on the last vendor invoice. We can modify the price of the selected inventory item or all the inventory items.
Replace inventory items: It allows us to replace the name of an inventory item that we do not use anymore for another one, through the Replace Inventory Item screen.
Change description: It will change the description of the selected inventory item in all the Families where the inventory item exists, through the Change description screen.
Unit change: It allows us to change the recipe units of the inventory item through the Change of Recipe Units screen.
Taxes change: You can update the purchase taxes of the inventory items in one step through the Update Taxes screen.
PizzaGest Manual: Outgoings and Losses
Esta opción permite, por una parte, realizar y registrar movimientos de almacén como salidas: salida de productos del almacén sin venta y sin pérdida del producto. Por ejemplo: cuando trasladamos productos de una tienda a otra. Y como mermas: productos o cantidades de producto no aprovechables, productos caducados y despuntes.
Una vez hayamos accedido desde el menú Artículos→Almacén→Salidas y Mermas aparecerá una pantalla, como la que podemos ver a continuación:
Para registrar una salida de almacén o una salida por mermas, primero tenemos que seleccionar el ingrediente básico correspondiente.
Podemos hacer una búsqueda rápida del ingrediente básico, desde la línea superior, escribiendo el código del ingrediente y pulsando Buscar.
En caso de que hayamos hecho una búsqueda rápida por código del ingrediente, podemos volver a ver todos los ingredientes básicos, pulsando el botón Descartar.
En la parte central veremos una lista con todos los ingredientes básicos creados, en los que aparecerán todos los detalles del ingrediente básico que hayamos escrito al Añadir o Modificar un ingrediente básico.
Podemos modificar la lista de Ingredientes básicos que nos aparecen en la parte central, dependiendo de la opción que tengamos seleccionada en la parte derecha superior, en Ver los Ingredientes: Todos, Utilizables o No utilizables. Elegiremos si un ingrediente es utilizable o no desde la pantalla Añadir/Modificar Ingredientes básicos
Una vez hayamos seleccionado un ingrediente, para registrar una salida de almacén o una salida por mermas, pulsaremos el botón correspondiente, situado en la parte derecha:
Salida del almacén: Al pulsar este botón podremos registrar una salida de almacén desde la pantalla Salida de almacén o Salida por mermas
Salida por mermas: Al pulsar este botón podremos registrar una salida por mermas desde la pantalla Salida de almacén o Salida por mermas