PizzaGest Manual: Place an Order

Once we have chosen the order type we want to place through the Orders screen, a screen like the one we can see below will appear:

To place an order, we must first choose the items from the right side, which are classified by Family Groups.

Each time we click on a Family Group, all the Sales Items of each Family Group will appear in the centre.

If we wish that the system does not allow us to add to the order any item that contains any type of allergen, we will have to select the proper allergen among the icons that appear in the centre below. In this case, the items which contain the allergens that we have selected, will appear with a forbidden sign and the system won't allow us to add them to the order.

We have to take into consideration that we can set the allergens through the Allergens screen.

We have 2 options to add an item to the order:

1) We can select the item with the right mouse button, in this way the item is added directly to the order, with the configured Recipe of each article.

2) The other option is to select the item with the left mouse button, and in this case if the item has no recipe, it will be added directly to the order. In case the article has a configured recipe, the article will appear with the recipe ingredients selected, but we will have the option to modify and add ingredients, which will be classified by columns, that will be the Inventory Items Grouping. We will see a screen like the one you can see below:

If we do not change anything, the ingredients that are configured in the recipe will appear with a grey background line.

If we want to add an ingredient, we will click on the corresponding ingredient and the selected ingredient will appear with a blue background line, which means that it is an extra ingredient.

If we want to add a double ingredient, we will have to double click on the corresponding ingredient, either an ingredient is configured by default in the recipe or it is an extra ingredient. When double-clicking, the double ingredient will have a green background line.

On the other hand, if we want to remove an ingredient that is configured by default in the recipe, we will have to click on the ingredient that comes with a grey background line and the background line will change to red, and this ingredient won't longer be added to the item.

All the ingredient changes that we can make, may change the price of the article, which we can see in the lower left part of the screen. This possible change of the price, will depend on how we have configured the Inventory Items of Family Group.

In case we have the required Access Level Definition to the system, we can invite to ingredients, by pressing the blue button of the gift package and then we will click on the ingredients that we want to invite and these ones will appear with a yellow background line.

Also in the lower left part of the screen, the corresponding allergens of each item that we have configured in the Allergens screen will be activated.

If there is a sale item that we can offer to the customer and it is not included in the Menu, we can add it as Star Item, in order to do it, we must choose in the right side the System Family Group and we will see an icon with a star shape in the centre. If we click on the icon star, we can put a name and price to the Star Item and it will be added to the order (E.g. fried egg). We have to take into consideration that in order to use the Star Item, the employee who place the order must have the required level in the function “Sale system items” in the Access Level Definition screen.

If we want to add several equal items, we can first add only one, and then modify the quantity, by clicking on the number that appears in front of each item added to the order.

Once we have chosen any article and it appears in the left part of the screen, we will have some buttons that will help us to configure the order, these options are located in the upper left part of the screen:

Delete: Once we have selected the item that we want to delete from the order, we will click on the Delete button and the item will disappear from the order. In case the quantity of the item is more than one, the quantity will decrease one by one.

Half: If we want to be able to choose half of the item with some toppings and the other half with other toppings, we must add the two items in a row, select the one below and click on the Half button. At that time we can see how the word HALF is added before the name of the two items. We have to take into consideration that in order to choose an item as Half, we must activate the corresponding option from the Add/Modify Major Groups screen.

Zero out: In case we have the required Access Level Definition to the system, we can invite an item from the order, by clicking the Zero out button. If we use it, we will see that the price of the selected item changes to 0.

Comments: If we select an item, and click on the Comments button, we can add a comment for the kitchen staff, since these observations will appear on the kitchen chit. For instance, the meat is well done. It is only possible to add one observation per item. We can write a new comment, or choose one from the list that we can configure from the Preparation Comments screen. We have to take into consideration that we can only add comments on Sales Items that belong to a Family Groups which has a printer associated on the Add/Modify Family Groups screen.

Courses: We can use this option in order to configure as the Starter, First course, Second course or Dessert, the selected item. It will be very useful for the kitchen staff to prepare the dishes properly, and also for the waiters when taking orders from the PDA.

We have to take into consideration that while we are placing the order and we have not yet sent it to the kitchen staff, we will have the option of changing the type of Order from Dine In to Take-away or vice versa and from Delivery to Pick-up or vice versa, clicking on the line located next to the total price of the order, in the lower left.

Up in the center, we can see some details of the order:

Delivery time of the order, Customer name, Customer address, Postal Code or Zone, Number of guests, Customer comments, Delivery observations and the latest Customer order.

We can edit and modify all these data clicking on the corresponding data.

Finally, once we have finished to place the order, we have some options to end the order, these functions are located in the upper right part of the screen:

Charge or End: We will use this option to charge the order and after having applied the Applicable promotions, if applicable, we will click on Charge and the Charge Order screen will appear. If it is a Delivery or Pick-up order, this option will appear with the name End and we will Charge the order through the Delivery Order Total screen.

Customer: It allows us to select a customer that already exists or create a new one through the Search for Customers screen.

Discard: It allows us to discard a complete order that we have not yet charged. After confirming to the system that we want to discard the order, all the lines of the order will be deleted and we will return to the Orders screen

Last: If we have previously selected a customer through the Search for Customers screen, the latest order placed by the selected customer will appear.

When the latest customer order appears loaded, we can mark above the items that the customer wants to order again and we can see how an asterisk * is added in each article that we select. So, when we have finished marking the corresponding items, we will click on the Green V icon that appears below the order. Once we have validated the items that the customer wants to repeat of his last order, we can continue adding other items or end the order.

On the other hand, if we want to delete all the lines of the order that have appeared on the screen, we can clean the order by clicking on the Red X icon located at the bottom.

To Kitchen: In order to get a jump on work, the order is sent to the kitchen staff although the order has not been ended. The order will be pending on the Orders screen.

Pending: The whole order is sent to the kitchen staff, but the order will be pending on the Orders screen.