PizzaGest Manual: Orders

Once we have clicked on the Menu option Orders→ New Order or on the New Order icon in the main Menu, a screen like the one we can see below will appear:

The first thing that we can see in this screen, will be in the central part all the orders that are pending to pay. Depending on how we have configured the option Delivery confirmation is required for orders in the General Options screen, also orders that have already been charged may appear.

We can show orders of all types or don't show delivery orders, and we can also filter orders by employee.

Orders pending to pay:

They will appear with the order number and an icon above the order. There are 3 different icons to distinguish the status of the order:

The icon with the green V, means that the order is ready and produced.

The icon with the Chef's hat, means that the order is still being produced in Kitchen.

The icon with the Clock, means that the order has not yet arrived at the delivery time. When the order approaches to the delivery time, depending on how we have configured the Delivery Minutes on the clock button located at the bottom left of the screen, the order will go to Kitchen and the icon will change to the Chef's hat.

At any time we can select the orders that appear in the central part and we will see on the left side of the screen the order's detail. Besides, when an order is selected, we have some buttons which allows us to execute different functions, in the upper left side of the screen:

Charge: We will use this option to charge the order immediately. We will have to enter the employee's ID, if we have not chosen our name in the list of employees, located on the right side of the screen. After having applied the Applicable Promotions, we will click on Charge and we will see the Charge Order screen.

Modify: We will have to select an order and enter the employee's ID, if we have not chosen our name in the list of employees, located on the right side of the screen and we will access to the Place an Order screen.

If we do not select any order and click on this button we can modify an order of the same day even if it does not appear on the Orders screen. If it is a Delivery or Pick-up order, we will have to enter the customer's phone number or the order number. For the rest of the order types we will enter the order number.

If the order has been placed less than 15 minutes ago, any employee can modify the order, but if this period of time has been exceeded, the order can only be modified if the employee has the required Access Level to the system.

Print: This option will allow us to print the ticket of the order, to give it to the customer, except if it is a delivery order, which must be printed through the Delivery screen.

Search: It will allow us to search for the order by Customer Name, Phone or Order Number. We have to take into consideration that if we select a Pick-up order, this button will change to the SMS button, which will allow us to send a message to the customers to let them know that we have the order ready, as long as we have hired an SMS provider and we have configured the data correctly on the SMS Settings screen.

Orders that have already been charged:

They will appear with the order number and an icon above of each order, which will be the same icons that appear in the orders which are pending to pay, although the colors of these orders will be inverted to distinguish them from the orders that are pending to pay.

We may be interested in keeping the orders which have already been charged, so in that way we can quickly check the order and verify that we have delivered or served all the items that are part of the order.

Once the order is ready with the green V icon and we have finished to serve or deliver the items, we will select the order and choose the option Deliver, which will be the icon that will appear in the top left part of the screen and it will replace the Charge option. Once we have made the delivery confirmation, the order will disappear from the screen.

The way to place an order is similar for all types of orders.

To place an order, we should first check that we are placing the order with our employee name, we can check it in the list of the right side, if we want to avoid that the system ask us for the our employee's ID. Previously we have to Clock In. After, we must choose the type of order among the next ones:

Phone: Will be the orders placed by phone, either for Delivery or to Pick-up in the store. Once we click on this option and we have entered the customer's phone, except for the customers who have Caller ID installed, the following screen will appear::

In this screen we can see the customer's data and the last purchases of the customer that has made. Then we must choose between whether the order is Delivery or Pick up. Once we have chosen the proper option, we can Place the order.

If the customer is still not registered in our database, we will have to register it or at least choose an address, through the Customer Management screen.

Take-away: Will be the orders placed in the store to Take-away. Once we click on this option, we can Place the order.

Dine In: Will be the orders that the customers place in the store, and the same customers will take the items to the table and pay at the moment of Placing the order.

Table, Counter and Terrace: Will be the orders that the customers place so that we take the items to the table, counter or terrace, and the ones which the customers won't normally pay at the time of placing the order. The reason to distinguish among these 3 options, is so that if we wish we can set different prices for each type of order, depending of how we have configured it though the Add/Modify Sales Items screen. Once we have chosen, the number of the table, counter or terrace, we can Place the order. We have to take into consideration that the number range of tables, counters and terrace will be configured through the Add/Modify Branches screen.

Catering: It is normally used for celebrations in which we can configure special Sales Promotions. Moreover when we finish to place the order, the system will ask us if we want to print the kitchen chits, because there are usually many repetitive orders, and in this way we can save a lot of paper.

POS: It is used for orders which are placed in the store, usually in a small place like a Coffee shop where the orders are usually repetitive. Choosing this option, at the end of the order the system returns to the same screen to place the order as a POS order, without having to choose again the same option, and we can Place the order.

Employee: It is used for orders that are placed by the employees and may have configured a Sale Promotion. The system will ask us for the Employee's ID as a customer and once we have entered it, we can Place the order. We have to take into consideration that we can configure the employee's maximum daily expense through the Add/Modify Branches screen.