====== PizzaGest Manual: Delivery Minutes ====== Once we have clicked on the **Clock** button located in the lower left part of the screen, a window like the one we can see below will appear: {{ :en:delivery_minutes.png?300 |}} Here we can set the delivery minutes of the **Delivery** and **Pick-up** orders. We have to take into consideration that the minimum time for Delivery orders will be 30 minutes and to Pick-up orders will be 10 minutes. We can also set these minutes from the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_opciones_generales|General Options]] screen. These minutes will affect the results of the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_pantalla_produccion|Production Screen]]. Even if we change the delivery minutes from this screen, anytime we start a new shift day the delivery minutes will be updated at the delivery minutes that we have set on the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_INS_TIENDAS|Add/Modify Branches]] screen. We can also stop the service to Delivery or Pick up from this screen, unchecking the option Delivery or Pick up. We have to take into consideration that if we stop the service of any of these order types, the same service would also stop from the Web. Once we have finished to set the delivery minutes, we will click on the **Ok** button. The **Cancel** button allows us to exit of the screen without making any changes.