====== PizzaGest Manual: Applicable Promotions ====== Once we have clicked on **Charge** through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_ins_pedidos_tactil|Place an Order]] screen or the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_cons_pedidos_tactil|Orders]] screen, the following screen will appear: {{ :en:applicable_promotions.png?450 |}} At first sight, we can see the **Total amount** that is going to be charged to the customer, the **Savings** in case that some [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_CONS_OFERTAS|Promotion]] is being applied, the **Applied Promotions** and the **Applicable promotions in case that ordering more items**. In the right part, we have some buttons which allow us to execute different functions: **Charge or End**: It will allow us to charge the order through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_cobrar_recoger|Charge Order]] screen. If it is a Delivery or Pick-up order, this option will appear with the name **End** and we will charge the order through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_cobrar_recoger|Delivery Order Total]] screen. Besides, if it is a Delivery order and we have set a minimum order amount from the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_INS_ZONAS|Add/Modify Zones]] screen, a message will appear in case that the order does not reach the minimum required. **Choose promotion**: If we click on this button, the following screen will appear: {{ :en:applicable_promotions_more2.png?450 |}} All the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_CONS_OFERTAS|Promotions]] that can be applied will appear here. We will choose the ones that the customer wish, selecting the promotion and pressing the **+** button, and we can remove them with the button **-** We have to take into consideration that the promotions will be applied automatically if we do not have activated in the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_CONS_OFERTAS|Promotion]], the option **"Promotion must be applied manually"**, in the **Options and filters** tab through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_ins_ofertas|Add/Modify Promotions]] screen. Besides, we can also click on the **Recalculate** button, which will calculate the lowest possible price of the order for the customer, applying all possible promotions. **Restricted promotion**: Depending on the __required access level for applying promotions__ that we have configured in the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_INS_OFERTAS|Add/Modify Promotions]] screen, each employee will see the promotions that can be applied. In case that you want to apply a promotion that needs a higher level of access, you must identify yourself at the system to be able to apply it. **Voucher**: If the customer has a voucher, we will write down the voucher code and the discount will be applied. **Promo Code**: If we do not see a promotion that we wish to apply and we know the promotion ID, we can search for it through the Promo ID and apply it. **Discount**: In case we have the required [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_NIVELES_ACCESO|Access Level Definition]] to the system, we can apply a [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:F_Multa|Discount]] to the total amount of the order, writing down the reference for the discount and the amount of the discount in cash or as a percentage. **Split check**: It allows us to charge the order separately, choosing the items on different tickets through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_separar_ticket|Split order]] screen. **Cancel**: It allow us to exit of the screen without making any changes.