====== PizzaGest Manual: Order penalty or Discount ====== Once we have clicked on the **Order penalty** button through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_mostrar_pedido|Check Order]] screen, or on the **Discount** button through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_ofertas_aplicables|Applicable Promotions]] we will see a screen like the one we can see below: {{ :en:order_penalty.png?450 |}} Here we must write the reference for the penalty or discount, enter the amount in cash or in percentage and press **OK** We can check all orders with penalty or discount, through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_listado_ventas|Daily Reports]] screen. The **Cancel** button allows us to exit of the screen without making any changes.