====== PizzaGest Manual: Checkout Driver ====== Once we have clicked on the **Checkout** button through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_LIQUIDAR|Checkout Drivers]] screen, a screen like the one we can see below will appear. {{ :en:checkout_driver.png?600 |}} In this screen we will see the pending driver checkout, in which we will see the employee name and the summary of the pending orders, with the total amounts for each payment method, including the change. In addition, a list of orders that are already checked out will appear. In the right side, we have several buttons which allow us to execute different functions: **Checkout driver**: If we click on this button, we will check out the list of orders not checked out of the driver, with the payment methods that the customer has indicated to us when we have placed the order on the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_TOTAL_DOMICILIO|Delivery Order Total]] screen. **Checkout payment method**: If we click on this button, before checking out the driver, we will have the chance to change the amounts of the payment methods, in case some customer has not paid us as we had indicated when placing the order on the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_TOTAL_DOMICILIO|Delivery Order Total]] screen. **Print**: If we click on this button, we will print the data that we see on the screen with all the information of the pending driver checkout. We have to take into consideration that we can get a report of each driver checkout through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=es:f_LISTADO_LIQUIDACIONES|Report of Drivers Chekouts]] screen. The **Cancel** button allows us to exit of the screen without making any changes.