====== PizzaGest Manual: Vehicles assignment ====== Once we have clicked on the menu option **Employees->Vehicles assignment** or we have arrived here through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_situacion_de_pedidos|Delivery Orders]] screen, a screen like the one we can see below will appear. {{ :en:vehicle_assignment.png?500 |}} We will only use this screen through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_situacion_de_pedidos|Delivery Orders]] screen, if we have checked the option **“Mandatory the assignment of vehicles to drivers”** in [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_opciones_generales|General Options]]. It can help us to know, in case that there is an incident or a fine in any vehicle, which driver has used the vehicle on that day from the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_LISTADO_UTILIZACION_MOTOS|Vehicle utilization report]] screen. If we do not have a driver assigned, we will choose the driver by clicking on the button located next to the **Driver** field, which will take us to the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_ELEGIR_EMPLEADO|Choose Employee]] screen. If we click on the the **Change vehicle** button, we can change the vehicle through the [[https://docs.pizzagest.info/doku.php?id=en:f_elegir_ciclomotor|Choose Vehicle]] screen and when the vehicle is already assigned we will click on the **Assign** button. The **Cancel** button allows us to exit of the screen without making any changes.